Creating Classrooms & Adding Students

How to create classrooms and have students join.

For Educators

The most important thing to keep in mind when creating your classrooms is that classes created with the Username option will not be compatible with classes created with the Clever, Google or Microsoft SSO (Single-Sign-On) options. We suggest deciding which will work best for you, your students and your school and sticking with that same option for all of your classes

  1. Select the My Groups tab.
  2. Click the New Classroom button.
  3. Name the class.
  4. Select grade level(s).
  5. Select subject (if grade 6 or above)
  6. Select special options.
  7. Choose the Clever SSO, Google SSO, Microsoft SSO or Usernames option.
  8. If Usernames option is chosen, add students.
  9. Send the link from your classroom to the students.

- If the Clever, Google or Microsoft option is chosen, share this article with your students: Joining A Class With An Email Address.

- If Usernames option is chosen, share this article with your students: Joining A Class With Your Username.

Teacher wondering how to set up their class with Pixton

To create a new class first select the My Groups tab.Click on the Create My First Classroom button in the middle of the page.

Add a Name to your class then Click Next

Select a grade then click next

If you select grade 6 or higher, the next step is to choose a subject Grade 5 classes and below do not have this step.

Next you can change the features that you'd like available in the avatar maker for your students

In this step you can enable or disable sensitive content that is visible to your students. You can also disable the class photo, text-to-speech feature and student avatars in the comic maker.Lastly, you'll choose the students' login method. You can choose between emails login method or usernames login method. Emails method uses the teacher's SSO option. The usernames method automatically generates usernames based on the names entered.

Email SSO Options (Google or Microsoft):

It may be helpful to provide your students with this help article which shows how they can join a class with their email address: Joining A Class With Your Email 

If you choose the email method, your students will login with their own email addresses. The SSO option will be the same one chosen for your account: Clever, Google, Microsoft.

You'll need to share the join link with your students, then they can open the link in a new tab.

When your students click on the join link they'll see the Join Your Class sign in message with the SSO option chosen: Clever, Google, or Microsoft.

Usernames Option:

It may be helpful to provide your students with this help article which shows how they can join a class with their username: Joining A Class With Your Username.







