No Account Found error

Please check out this help article if you are getting a "No account found" message when trying to log in.

If you are getting the "No account found" error when trying to log into your Pixton account, it could be for a number of reasons. Please review the scenarios outlined below:

  • Your account was created with a different email address than you thought.
    If this is the case, please try any other email addresses you may have signed up with. 
  • Your email address has changed, but has not been updated in our system. E.g., Your school's domain was recently changed.
    If this is the case, please email to let us know, and we'll help you out! 
  • Your account was automatically deleted after a full year of inactivity. 
    For data privacy and security purposes, any account which has been inactive for one year is automatically deleted. Unfortunately we are unable to resurrect deleted accounts. If this is the case, please create a new account. 
  • Your account was deleted by you, or the person who created the class or group which you were in.
    Unfortunately as stated above, we are unable to resurrect deleted accounts, however you may create a new account.