How to edit the name, grade level and available features for your class.
Educators can make the following changes in Class Settings:
1. Edit class name.
2. Edit class grade level.
3. Edit subject area, (if class is grade 7 or higher)
4. Allow access to wheelchairs, hearing aids, the non-binary avatar option and multicultural clothing.
5. Block or unblock more mature contents by category.
6. Disable the class photo and students avatars in comic maker.
How To:
1. Click "View Class"
2. Open the 3 dot menu in the top right corner of your class.
3. Click "Edit Classroom Details"
4. Continue through steps as prompted.
For a better idea of what is included in each category, check out these help articles:
Potentially sensitive content: Religion
Potentially sensitive content: Sexuality
Potentially sensitive content: Anatomy
Potentially sensitive content: Weapons & Conflict
Potentially sensitive content: Smoking & Revealing Outfits