How to Bulk Delete Comics

How to delete many comics at once.

1. Open My Comics tab or Student Comics tab (for Educator account type only)

2. Click the 3 dot menu at the top right.

3. Click on the Delete Comics button.

4. Select comics to be deleted. 

5. Select All button selects all comics at once.

6. Click the Delete Comics button at the top.

7. Confirm by typing in the requested text then click. Delete Now.

To delete many comics at once click the 3 dot menu at the top right.Click Delete Comics.Select which comics you'd like to delete, once you select a comic you will see a big green checkmark on them.You can click the Select All button to select all comics at once. Click on the comic again to deselect it.Click on the Delete Comics button at the top right.Type the requested text to confirm then click Delete Now.